Monday, June 15, 2015

Baptisms and Mini-Missions

Hey everyone!

Another amazing week has passed here in the good ol' Waspo, and I can't help but just sit back and smile at all of it. We had everything from Baptisms to Surprise Birthday parties, and everything awesome in between.

Brother H-- and us Full Timers

We started off by getting a legit mini-missionary, named Brother H--. He's from the Riverside ward, and he is a BOSS! We had SO MUCH fun with him, and had a lot of awesome lessons too! While he was here, he got to be part of our surprise party that we threw for our good friend Ch-- in the Singles Ward. It was planned out by her sister K--, and we got to be in on it. SUPER FUN! We prepped all of the birthday stuffs, and when she got home, BOOM! We jumped out and scared the crap out of her. In a good way though! We all had cake, laughed, sang songs, and had a grand old time!

Ch-- and K-- at the party! :D

Brother H-- stuck with us for three days, and Saturday, he got to participate in our weekly service project for the local homeless shelter. That is always an awesome experience, and he said it was one of the best things he'd ever done.

Waiting to Surprise Ch--!

As we had to let him go, we were pretty darn depressed after he left, but then, we had once again, an amazing experience! K--, after months of prepping, and a million and one miracles, was finally able to enter the waters of baptism.

Elder M--, K-- and me. :)

This has been an incredible journey for her, and it has been an honor to be part of her growth and dedication to Christ. 

Baptism selfie!

I had the honor of baptizing her, and Elder M-- got to confirm her the next day.

Bathroom selfie with the gang! :D

I still can't get over how strong the Spirit was, and I can't ever thank God enough for letting me be a part of this journey.


I love my mission. :D Everyone, keep your head up! God is real. He loves us, and He's always gonna help us, no matter what.

I love ya all! Keep it up! :D

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